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ESG, Culture and the Workplace: insights from our expert panel

Adam Gates, Becky Mackarel and Richard Plaistowe from the Odgers Interim Financial and Professional Services Practice recently hosted a stimulating and informative evening client event featuring a brilliant panel of experts.  


Business development: How Interim talent can take startups to the next level

Interim business development talent can be the answer growth-hungry startups are looking for, says Head of our Consumer, Retail, Healthcare and Professional Services Interim Practices in the US, Lori Rubin.

Think of a match made...

2021 professional services trends

Lori Rubin, Partner at Odgers Interim US, discusses the five key trends expected to play out in the professional services space in 2021

Resource management: The tools to support the long-term transition to remote working

Becky Mackarel, Lead Consultant for our Professional Services and Investment Practice, speaks to Dave Cook, Commercial Product Director of Resource Management at BigHand, to discuss what resource management is and why it has become more important now in the new Covid working world

The current and future challenges facing law firms

Becky Mackarel​​​​​​​, Consultant in Odgers Interim Professional Services Practice, discusses how law firms can overcome the key challenges they face now and in the future

Are extroverted leaders really that bad?

We respond to a Wall Street Journal article that claims extroverted leaders might be bad for business.

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