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The Private Equity Outlook for Technology Companies: 2024 & Beyond

Andy Wright, Partner  and Head of Odgers Interim’s Technology Practice, and Ross Gordon, Head of Private Equity Solutions, recently hosted a well-attended breakfast event for Technology CEOs and investors, to examine the current...

Encouraging signs for the tech sector as 2024 unfolds

Andy Wright, Partner in Odgers Interim’s Technology Practice, notes a marked increase in companies hiring at senior interim level, even though stubborn financial pressures remain.

No doubt about it, 2023 was a challenging year....

A welcome spike in TMT transactions

Andy Wright, Partner in Odgers Interim’s Technology Practice, observes a recent rise in M&A activity after a slow start to 2023.

In the midst of an uncertain macroeconomic picture, we’ve started to see a dramatic increase in the...

Consolidation in the UK fibre market: roundtable for industry executives

Andy Wright, Partner, Technology Practice and Daniel Glyn-Jones, Principal, Odgers Berndtson Technology Practice, recently hosted a telecoms industry roundtable, focussed on consolidation in the UK fibre market. Andy and Daniel...

CTOs are pivotal in the drive for sustainability

Siobhan Farlow, Consultant in Odgers Interim’s Technology Practice, says that the Chief Technology Officer role is evolving to ensure companies hit their ESG targets.   

A recently released report from semiconductor giant Intel, ...

Will AI take my job?

Andy Wright, Partner in Odgers Interim’s Technology Practice, examines the impact of AI on various industry and role types, and ponders the question on many people’s minds – is my job going to be replaced by a computer?

2023 will...

Why CTOs are increasingly tomorrow’s CEOs

Companies’ growing dependence on technology means that in future a greater number of CTOs will make the transition to CEO, writes Siobhan Farlow, Consultant in the Odgers Interim Technology practice.

Instances of Chief Technology...

B2B SaaS: why the boom has legs

Cost-effectiveness and scalability are among the factors driving the ongoing growth of SaaS in the B2B market, writes Siobhan Farlow, Consultant in our Technology Practice.

The astonishing rise of Software as a Service (SaaS) is...

The Power of Technology to Transform Healthcare

Andy Wright, Principal, Technology Practice, recently hosted a roundtable for c-suite leaders in the healthcare technology ecosystem, with the conversation centred around overcoming barriers to technology adoption in healthcare.


Technology sector: 2023 hiring trends and predictions

Caution seems to be the watchword in the industry right now, but there is still healthy demand for the right calibre of talent, says Andy Wright, Principal, Technology.

It feels familiar to be starting a year with an interesting...

Trouble in paradise: has the tech bubble burst?

Mass layoffs at big tech companies have made headlines. Yet the pain isn’t universal, given numerous companies in the sector are still hiring. Andy Wright and Siobhan Farlow, Consultants in our Technology Practice, explore what’s...

Returning to work after cancer

This year on the 2nd of February I was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer. On 9th October 2022 I completed the Manchester Half Marathon surrounded by my closest friends, family, and colleagues. I think it’s fair to say a...

NTT DATA UK: driving digital engineering to new heights

Paul Wright, Head of the Technology and Telecoms Practice at Odgers Interim, talks to Simon Williams, until recently CEO of IT services provider NTT DATA UK about core leadership lessons, mid-market growth hacking to hire over...

Paradoxes of the pandemic: challenges for BritTech in the hybrid era

Technology companies face a series of major and at times seemingly contradictory challenges in this tumultuous era, says our Head of Technology Paul Wright.

In our recent article, we discussed the challenges and opportunities...

Enterprise Technology: agile leaders driving the rebound

Following a fall in the midst of the pandemic, new roles in Technology and Interim as a whole have rebounded to surpass 2020 levels, notes our Head of Technology Paul Wright.

Two years of the pandemic

For the Odgers Interim...

BritTech & The Shortage Economy: 6 Steps Clients Must Take To Succeed

Paul Wright, Head of our B2B Technology Practice, reflects on the tumultuous times in the BritTech space and highlights why change and disruption are equally sources of opportunity and growth.

The Elusive UK EdTech “Unicorn” – Roundtable for Education Technology Leaders

Recently, Odgers Interim hosted a roundtable for Founders, CEOs, and Senior Leaders within the UK Education Technology (EdTech) space to reflect and talk about the growing demand and future challenges of the sector.

Women in Leadership: An interview with MD, Brand Strategist and Author Flavilla Fongang

Ali Palmer, Partner and Head of the Odgers Interim Consumer and Telecoms Practice, talks to Flavilla Fongang, MD, Brand Strategist, Author, International Keynote Speaker, BBC Brand Advisor, Founder of TLA - Black Women in...

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