SJ Leatherdale

SJ Leatherdale

Partner - Healthcare and Life Sciences


work +44 (0) 773 692 0740

"SJ Leatherdale, Partner within the Odgers Interim team has recently supported me and our business, Ramsay Healthcare UK with a couple of key interim roles. The candidates, from two very different fields, were outstanding; Functional skills, cultural fit and emotional intelligence and awareness first class. SJ took the time to understand the critical skills and approach that would work for our organisation, worked really closely with myself and the functional Directors to draw out what was important and because of this, matched my organisations needs with just the right candidates. I personally found SJ’s approach, best described as quietly understated, hugely professional, very personably and kept the contact and engagement at just the right level."

Nick Costa

Chief Executive Officer 

20 Cannon Street

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