Odgers Interim launches profiling service

Odgers Interim Assessment Service Launch

Grant Speed, Managing Director of Odgers Interim, introduces our new complimentary assessment service for C-Suite Interims to aid interims and organisations to accurately identify ”best fit”.


For more than a decade, we have been working tirelessly with clients to identify their business’ talent needs and help them plan, hire, deliver, and achieve their respective goals. To do so, we are constantly building, maintaining, and expanding our network of talented, experienced, and knowledgeable interim executives, helping them not only find their next interim assignment but connecting them with the right role and client for their career progression and job fulfilment.

In our ongoing bid to be a world-class interim management provider, we are always seeking for new ways to provide an elevated level of service to our clients and interim candidates and enhance their experience of working with us. We want to make sure that our clients find the perfect candidate to meet their organisation’s goals and that our candidates are matched with the perfect interim assignment. Therefore, we are launching our brand-new profiling service, which will help organisations evaluate their current and prospective leaders’ strengths and help identify future potential, while giving the candidate greater insight into their own leadership capabilities and areas for development.


LeaderFit – What it does

Our bespoke LeaderFit model profiles executives against a benchmark of 21,000 UK senior managers and executives and identifies each individual’s unique leadership competencies, strengths and potential performance derailers across three areas:

  • Leading the Organisation: Develop vision and strategy, create organisational alignment, and drive results and change through others.
  • Leading Others: Develop sustainability in talent capability, build high-performance teams and manage key stakeholder relations.
  • Leadership Agility: Operate with resilience in demanding environments.

Our consultants help organisations define a profile, identifying which key competencies are necessary for the assignment to be a success. Furthermore, it will enable candidates to gain an objective insight into their own leadership capabilities and potential gaps, allowing them to act on them with a clear focus.

Apart from profiling potential leadership hires and determine whether they have the capacity to deliver against the desired objectives, clients can further benefit from LeaderFit to identify existing talent and map potential across their organisation, as well as understand the collective strengths and weaknesses within their leadership teams.


LeaderFit – How it works

At shortlist stage we ask all shortlisted C-Suite candidates to complete the self-rated personality profiling questionnaire Wave, powered by Saville Assessments (which takes between 35-45min). The results are mapped against the LeaderFit model and will be included as an additional data point in the final candidate pack. It is worth mentioning here that while interpreted, the profiles have not been validated. Further in-depth validation including interviews can be done by our assessment team at an extra cost.  


LeaderFit – How you can benefit

We believe that our clients achieve more by bringing on board the right interim executive, who will fit into the existing leadership team and organisational culture and is aligned with the client’s strategy and vision. At the same time, we are convinced that our interim candidates will excel far beyond expectations, if they are comfortably matched with their new assignment and organisation.

Our LeaderFit profile can be mapped against the strategic requirements of our clients, linking leadership to business outcomes. Over the years, we have accumulated vast experience assessing and cultivating leaders across a large variety of sectors, from publicly traded companies, privately funded companies, as well as government and not-for profit organisations.

Our LeaderFit profiling service, which is led by our highly experienced Executive Coordinator Jodie Wilson, will be a complimentary service to all our clients and candidates at C-Suite level, and can be requested by all our interim executives and clients at any point in the process.


If you would like to find out more about our profiling service LeaderFit, or you have any questions about interim management in general, please get in touch with Jodie Wilson


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