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How can PE owners create value from supply chain data in their portfolio companies?

Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood from Odgers Interim’s Consumer & Retail Practice, and our Head of Private Equity Solutions, Ross Gordon hosted a virtual round table featuring supply chain experts Jochen Grosspietsch and Raul Portela...

Interim Insights: The steps to a successful transformation

Daniel Wood, Consultant, Consumer and Retail Practice, spoke to Gerry Shaw about his career as a Chief Transformation Officer and the steps to executing a successful transformation.

What motivated you to pursue a career in...

What’s in store? Trends in the retail sector

Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood, Consultants in our Consumer & Retail practice, explore six significant issues facing retailers.

As The Body Shop’s woes underline, UK retail is a challenging market in which even long-established...

Interim Insights: A CFO’s insight into a UK retail success story

Daniel Wood, Consultant, Consumer and Retail Practice, spoke to Neil Greenhalgh about his career at JD Sports spanning 19 years.

How did you get into a career in finance?

I went to Edinburgh University where I studied...

Why the plastic tax has delivered more and less than expected

The much-trumpeted plastic packaging tax (PPT) has generated more revenue than forecast for HMRC but in other ways has fallen short, say Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood, Consultants in our Consumer & Retail practice.


Interim market snapshot: Consumer and Retail

Daniel Wood, Consultant in our Consumer and Retail Practice, analyses the key market trends evident in the first half of 2023 and looks at what may happen in the coming months.

Every business function is trying to do more with...

Can customer experience power a resurgence in the High Street?

The High Street still has a lot to offer but if retailers are to thrive there they must give their customers something special, write Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood, Consultants in our Consumer & Retail practice.

Making money on the...

Empty shelves: overcoming supply and sustainability hurdles

Supermarket shortages have become a familiar sight and illustrate the pressing need to resolve a host of supply chain challenges, say Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood, Consultants in our Consumer & Retail practice.

Take a stroll down...

FMCG Environmental Sustainability revisited: a complicated picture

Under pressure from consumers and regulators, retailers and FMCG manufacturers are working hard on Sustainability. But is change happening fast enough, ask Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood, Consultants in our Consumer & Retail...

The human angle: when supply chain issues hurt those in need

Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood, Consultants in the Consumer and Retail Practice, argue that retailers can and should do more, and collaborate better, to help those struggling during the cost of living crisis.

Today's cost of living...

Battling Inflation: agility in an era of surging prices

Consumer-focused businesses across FMCG, retail and hospitality must explore fresh ideas and react quickly to meet the challenge of high inflation, says Odgers Interim consumer consultant Zoe Wakeham.

The cost of living crisis...

FMCG environmental sustainability: mounting pressure to improve sourcing and packaging

Heightened consumer pressure for eco-friendly sourcing together with more stringent packaging regulations have put environmental sustainability centre stage for FMCG manufacturers and retailers, says Odgers Interim consumer...

Thinking outside the box: HR solutions for the FMCG sector

Zoe Wakeham, Consultant in our Consumer Practice, discusses the huge challenges faced by UK HR managers to fill vital vacancies in the consumer sector and solutions to manage these labour shortages effectively.

Sustainability in the post-pandemic economy: trends and observations from the consumer sector

Zoe Wakeham, Consultant in our Consumer Practice, reflects on current sustainability trends across the consumer sector

M&A activity in the Consumer sector amidst a post-pandemic recovery

Zoe Wakeham​​​​​​​, Consultant in the Consumer Practice, discusses the increase in M&A activity across the consumer market and the benefit of hiring interim experts to excel in the post-pandemic economy

Marketing during disruption: Are you missing a trick?

Zoe Wakeham, Consumer Consultant, discusses why the role of the Chief Marketing Officer is critical during economic downturns

Innovation in consumer

Zoe Wakeham, Consumer Consultant, discusses how innovation is critical for the consumer industry as organisations adapt to the ongoing disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic

The fast pace of consumer

Zoe Wakeham, Consumer Consultant, discusses the speed and agility of the consumer industry in their response to the Covid-19 pandemic and suggest how it will continue to adapt over the short and long-term

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