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14 results:

Chris Jones

 Chris Jones

Chris Jones

‘Transport Infrastructure: The Route to Opportunities’

‘Transport Infrastructure: The Route to Opportunities’

‘Transport Infrastructure: The Route to Opportunities’ Chris Jones, Consultant in Odgers Interim’s Commercial Division, discusses ‘Transport Infrastructure: The Route to Opportunities’ ... For those…

Experienced IT leader and interim at Flybe Jonathan Greensted on businesses meeting the IT challenges and opportunities of the new technological age.

Experienced IT leader and interim at Flybe Jonathan Greensted on businesses meeting the IT challenges and opportunities of the new technological age.

Experienced IT leader and interim at Flybe Jonathan Greensted on businesses meeting the IT challenges and opportunities of the new technological age. In this article, we talk to experienced interim…

Assembling a winning bid team

Assembling a winning bid team

Assembling a winning bid team Chris Jones, Head of Rail at Odgers Interim discusses the current climate and how senior leadership teams can work to attract the people required for successful…

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