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7 results:

Health investing: waiting lists and a waiting game

Health investing: waiting lists and a waiting game

Health investing: waiting lists and a waiting game Odgers Healthcare Partners SJ Leatherdale and Carmel Gibbons, and Head of Private Equity Solutions, Ross Gordon discuss health investing trends…

PE investors in sports need a great value creation gameplan

PE investors in sports need a great value creation gameplan

PE investors in sports need a great value creation gameplan Ross Gordon, Head of Odgers Interim’s EMEA Private Equity Practice, and Bambos Eracleous, Partner for Sports, Media & Gaming, explore…

How interim PE talent can invigorate Family Office investment

How interim PE talent can invigorate Family Office investment

How interim PE talent can invigorate Family Office investment Ross Gordon, Head of Odgers Interim’s Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Private Equity Practice, explains how Family Offices can…

Supply chain value creation under private equity ownership

Supply chain value creation under private equity ownership

Supply chain value creation under private equity ownership How can PE owners create value from supply chain data in their portfolio companies? Ross Gordon, head of Odgers Interim’s EMEA Private…

Pippa Stutt

 Pippa Stutt

Pippa Stutt

Ross Gordon

 Ross Gordon

Ross Gordon

Sally Havers

 Sally Havers

Sally Havers

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