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588 results:

Why CTOs are increasingly tomorrow’s CEOs

Why CTOs are increasingly tomorrow’s CEOs

Why CTOs are increasingly tomorrow’s CEOs Companies’ growing dependence on technology means that in future a greater number of CTOs will make the transition to CEO, writes Siobhan Farlow, Consultant…

The digital pound: will we need it?

The digital pound: will we need it?

The digital pound: will we need it? Richard Plaistowe, Principal, Financial Services on proposals for a Central Bank Digital Currency, the so-called ‘digital pound’, and the potential impact should…

Why cyber security is an ESG issue

Why cyber security is an ESG issue

Why cyber security is an ESG issue Adam Gates and Richard Plaistowe from the Odgers Interim Financial Services Practice explore how organisations should treat cyber security as part of ESG. …

Oldham CDC: making the Community Diagnostic Centres vision a reality

Oldham CDC: making the Community Diagnostic Centres vision a reality

Oldham CDC: making the Community Diagnostic Centres vision a reality Rebecca Brandwood, Principal Consultant, Health & Education Practice, Odgers Interim and Hannah Wade, Associate Partner in…

Achieving Net Zero: leading the way in industrial manufacturing

Achieving Net Zero: leading the way in industrial manufacturing

Achieving Net Zero: leading the way in industrial manufacturing Stephen Shaw, Group Engineering Director of Sheffield-based manufacturer AESSEAL talked about the challenges of achieving Net Zero in…

Sustainability and ESG: three expert viewpoints

Sustainability and ESG: three expert viewpoints

Sustainability and ESG: three expert viewpoints A trio of renowned experts in Sustainability and ESG shared their experiences and opinions in a recent virtual event hosted by Odgers Interim Global…

Next Level Growth: helping leaders meet complex challenges

Next Level Growth: helping leaders meet complex challenges

Next Level Growth: helping leaders meet complex challenges Andrew Rodgers, Principal in our Leadership Practice, explains how Odgers is helping organisations unlock growth by equipping teams and…

Your Cyber Frontline: people, leadership, and resilience

Your Cyber Frontline: people, leadership, and resilience

Your Cyber Frontline: people, leadership, and resilience "We need to talk Nick!” A CEO of a FTSE250 organisation had contacted me to share his story about how his executive leadership team had been…

B2B SaaS: why the boom has legs

B2B SaaS: why the boom has legs

B2B SaaS: why the boom has legs Cost-effectiveness and scalability are among the factors driving the ongoing growth of SaaS in the B2B market, writes Siobhan Farlow, Consultant in our Technology…

Banking Market: where are we now

Banking Market: where are we now

Banking Market: where are we now A month on from our last review on the banking sector, you will probably now breathe a sigh of relief. After Silicon Valley Bank in the US and Credit Suisse both…

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