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588 results:

Smart wins on Sustainability: local government success stories

Smart wins on Sustainability: local government success stories

Smart wins on Sustainability: local government success stories Councils up and down the UK are reaping impressive results from innovative and smartly implemented sustainability initiatives, says Jes…

FMCG Environmental Sustainability revisited: a complicated picture

FMCG Environmental Sustainability revisited: a complicated picture

FMCG Environmental Sustainability revisited: a complicated picture Under pressure from consumers and regulators, retailers and FMCG manufacturers are working hard on Sustainability. But is change…

Interim Insights: A conversation with Sustainability & ESG Expert, Ashley Tamburello

Interim Insights: A conversation with Sustainability & ESG Expert, Ashley Tamburello

Interim Insights: A conversation with Sustainability & ESG Expert, Ashley Tamburello This month we speak to sustainability and ESG expert, Ashley Tamburello, on what a role in sustainability means,…

Planting 5 trees for every candidate placed

Planting 5 trees for every candidate placed

Planting 5 trees for every candidate placed From March onwards, five trees will be planted every time Odgers Interim places a candidate. As a business, we are committed to sustainability. Our…

Preparing for a zero carbon future: where the technology can deliver

Preparing for a zero carbon future: where the technology can deliver

Preparing for a zero carbon future: where the technology can deliver Ian Constance, Chief Executive at the Advanced Propulsion Centre spoke at a recent webinar hosted by Tom Legard, Partner in the…

Adapting to the new world order of M&A

Adapting to the new world order of M&A

Adapting to the new world order of M&A Elias Mazzawi, Interim Specialist in integration and and growth, explains how recession, higher interest rates and supply side challenges are triggering…

Insurance Outlook: Trends for 2023

Insurance Outlook: Trends for 2023

Insurance Outlook: Trends for 2023 We have once again entered a year with macroeconomic and geopolitical volatility, which is impacting all industries in the UK markets. Insurance is no exception…

Relieving the pressure: important issues for Housing in 2023

Relieving the pressure: important issues for Housing in 2023

Relieving the pressure: important issues for Housing in 2023 From financial challenges to the difficulties of employee retention in the midst of a cost of living crisis, providers are under enormous…

Music back catalogues: why are investors excited?

Music back catalogues: why are investors excited?

Music back catalogues: why are investors excited? In recent years, many music superstars have sold the rights to their hits for princely sums. Bambos Eracleous, Partner, Sports, Media and Gaming…

ESG grounded in reality: greater scrutiny calls for robust risk assessment

ESG grounded in reality: greater scrutiny calls for robust risk assessment

ESG grounded in reality: greater scrutiny calls for robust risk assessment Paul Wenman, owner of InvestAssure and an expert in sustainability, talks to Adam Gates, Partner and Head of our Insurance…

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