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17 results:

Who’s going to pay the water infrastructure bill?

Who’s going to pay the water infrastructure bill?

Who’s going to pay the water infrastructure bill? Terry Noble, Odgers Interim Principal Consultant for the Energy, Utilities & Renewables Practice, on the need for massive investment to…

Your Cyber Frontline: people, leadership, and resilience

Your Cyber Frontline: people, leadership, and resilience

Your Cyber Frontline: people, leadership, and resilience "We need to talk Nick!” A CEO of a FTSE250 organisation had contacted me to share his story about how his executive leadership team had been…

How I&D can improve safety and business performance

How I&D can improve safety and business performance

How I&D can improve safety and business performance At a recent event hosted by Terry Noble, Odgers Interim Principal, Energy, Utilities and Renewables, and Sue Johnson, Managing Partner, Odgers…

Will we have blackouts this winter?

Will we have blackouts this winter?

Will we have blackouts this winter? Odgers Interim Principal Consultant for the Energy, Utilities & Renewables Practice, Terry Noble and Odgers Berndtson Principal for Industrial Practice,…

Preparing for a Zero Carbon Future: Addressing Climate Change Through Resource Efficiency with Dr Graham Hillier

Preparing for a Zero Carbon Future: Addressing Climate Change Through Resource Efficiency with Dr Graham Hillier

Preparing for a Zero Carbon Future: Addressing Climate Change Through Resource Efficiency with Dr Graham Hillier For the latest webinar in our popular and topical series “Preparing for a Zero Carbon…

‘Preparing for a Zero Carbon Future’: What happens when you push renewables to the limit? With Juliet Davenport OBE

‘Preparing for a Zero Carbon Future’: What happens when you push renewables to the limit? With Juliet Davenport OBE

‘Preparing for a Zero Carbon Future’: What happens when you push renewables to the limit? With Juliet Davenport OBE The vision of a Zero Carbon Britain was the focus of our latest webinar “Preparing…

Case study: Interim Transformation Director at Northumbrian Water Group

Case study: Interim Transformation Director at Northumbrian Water Group

Case study: Interim Transformation Director at Northumbrian Water Group Terry Noble, Energy & Utilities Consultant at Odgers Interim, speaks to interim transformation expert Tony Martin about his…

The future of green hydrogen as a key component for a zero-carbon economy

The future of green hydrogen as a key component for a zero-carbon economy

The future of green hydrogen as a key component for a zero-carbon economy Tom Legard, Partner and Head of Energy, Manufacturing & Infrastructure Practice at Odgers Interim, discusses the future of…

Case study: Robin Hood Energy: Interim CEO, CFO, and Board Advisor

Case study: Robin Hood Energy: Interim CEO, CFO, and Board Advisor

Case study: Robin Hood Energy: Interim CEO, CFO, and Board Advisor Terry Noble, Energy and Utilities Consultant at Odgers Interim, speaks to Jeff Whittingham, Mike Thomas, and David Bird about their…

Preparing for a zero carbon future

Preparing for a zero carbon future

Preparing for a zero carbon future Terry Noble, Energy and Utilities Consultant, discusses the key points made by guest speaker Julian Critchlow, Director General for Energy Transformation and Clean…

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